Wednesday 25 November 2020

the shrunk Rose and Carys

 One day a girl called Carys shrunk in the classroom. She needed to get out but she didn't know how to so she asked her best friend Rose while she was swinging on the light what was hanging down. Rose said just make a run for it so i said ok.when i started running  on the carpet i heard big steps!! And it was …………..Miss esselink few i thought it was Archie going to eat me!! Then i carried on running and slid under the door. With rose and did some fun things we slid on a ruler and had a party in the desk it was fun but we went in the church and drank holy water and made us bigger. we played in the playground and called are parents in the office to pick us up and went home


  1. Carys,

    Great to see you adding more detail into your writing, I especially like how it was me and not Archie, phew! Your next step is to check where you could add punctuation. Could you add speech marks (" ") where you or Rose are speaking?

    Miss Esselink

  2. Kia ora carys I really like the story!
    It was amazing!
    I hope you have a good day!


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