Sunday 24 October 2021

backing cookies!!

hello everyone. Every Sunday me and my Nan to baking. We bake heaps of things. Were making a double batch of cookies today but we will show you the single recipe 

135 grams butter/melt butter
half a cup of sugar/mix your sugar in  

4 table spoons of condense milk/add condense milk and mix all together 

cup of chocolate chips/mix

1-2 cups of flour/mix

1 teaspoon of baking powder/mix
shape it how you want on the tray!


  1. Hi Carys, what a fantastic job you have done! Your cookies look delicious!

  2. Thanks mum they dont just look delicious they taste Delicious is well

  3. Hi carys your cookies look yum!I like how you put a recipe

  4. Thanks Rose They taste yum as well!


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