Thursday 4 November 2021

poster of plants!!

 This week we have been learning about the environment. Me and Olivia worked together and made this slideshow about plants

Sunday 24 October 2021

backing cookies!!

hello everyone. Every Sunday me and my Nan to baking. We bake heaps of things. Were making a double batch of cookies today but we will show you the single recipe 

135 grams butter/melt butter
half a cup of sugar/mix your sugar in  

4 table spoons of condense milk/add condense milk and mix all together 

cup of chocolate chips/mix

1-2 cups of flour/mix

1 teaspoon of baking powder/mix
shape it how you want on the tray!

Friday 22 October 2021

Fluffy panda report!

 Pandas are a bear that lives and China and eats 


They have big white and black dots on them. They are also very fluffy because they have heaps of fur on them.

They are very cute and funny in the way they act by going on swings and slides. Its funny the way they go on them.

They live with their panda family in China.

Pandas like to climb trees and they also do heaps of things people would do like sun bathing and chilling outside.

My opinion on pandas is that they need more stuff to do instead of eating bamboos all day!

symbols of mass activity!

hello everyone. Today for re we had three different activity's and you could choose which one to do. I picked make symbols of bread, light and wine. Here is my work.

Friday 10 September 2021

My interesting giant story

 today at school we had to add one of these sentences there were three options i chose look out the window one here is the story hope you like it.  

Thursday 9 September 2021

why we should give nature respect!

good morning everyone today I made a story of why we should give respect to nature. this is it! 

Friday 30 July 2021

Olympics poem

 I'm at the start ready to go. I'm waiting for the gun to blow. BANG! It goes. Off we go. My legs are sprinting next thing I know my heart is beating. I have to keep running, I'm almost ahead. After the race I got a gold medal over my head. I'm so proud  I came first.